Baul are a group mystic socio-religious singers from Bengal. They form are a distinctive religios and musical tradition underlying which is the eternal theme of 'all men are equal' and 'love is the ultimate truth'. The tradition which has its roots in the Bhakti and Sufi movement is equally prevalent among Sufi Muslims and Vaishnav Hindus.

With their simple lyrics and simple melody and the one stringed instrument called ektaaraa the Bauls have become an integral part of the Bengali cultural chromosome. The Baul form of music is actively sung by a handful of people but its cultural impact is enormous.
The Baul philosophy transcends all religios boundaries and praises the human spirit, celebrates love and speaks of universal brotherhood. One of the most famous Baul composer Lalon Fakir famously sang,
Shob lokey koy Lalon ki jaat shongshaarey
Lalon boley jaater ki roop dekhlam na ei jeeboney
which means 'everybody wonder about what religion Lalon belongs to, but Lalon has only one answer to that, he knows not what the meaning of religion is'.
Baul music greatly influenced the lyrics and music of Rabindranath Tagore and there are several songs of the great poet inspired from his stays in rural Bengal where he heard the Bauls singing.
Purnadas Baul has made Baul popular in the other parts of India as well as in the West.
ok now i know wai is an ektaaraa